all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B17 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 0NB 20 0 52.451705 -1.949661
B17 0ND 5 0 52.453494 -1.948261
B17 0NE 23 0 52.450321 -1.949369
B17 0NG 29 0 52.449669 -1.947274
B17 0NH 12 0 52.449348 -1.945809
B17 0NJ 37 0 52.450203 -1.947338
B17 0NL 18 0 52.450958 -1.948014
B17 0NN 13 0 52.450895 -1.946396
B17 0NT 21 8 52.447586 -1.9464
B17 0NU 17 0 52.449466 -1.949355
B17 0NW 22 0 52.450121 -1.94647
B17 0NX 15 0 52.448873 -1.949576
B17 0NY 22 0 52.44916 -1.948502
B17 0NZ 16 0 52.453457 -1.94757
B17 0PA 5 0 52.448234 -1.947576
B17 0PB 51 0 52.447138 -1.948342
B17 0PD 32 0 52.447004 -1.951623
B17 0PE 60 0 52.447498 -1.949828
B17 0PG 44 0 52.447894 -1.950181
B17 0PH 1 0 52.44758 -1.952638