all postcodes in B17 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B17 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B17 0PJ 13 0 52.448272 -1.95146
B17 0PL 16 0 52.448425 -1.951622
B17 0PN 56 0 52.448928 -1.9509
B17 0PP 18 0 52.448505 -1.949312
B17 0PR 1 0 52.448738 -1.947561
B17 0PS 45 0 52.449376 -1.94753
B17 0PX 42 0 52.446862 -1.955081
B17 0PY 30 0 52.447976 -1.954403
B17 0QA 26 0 52.447401 -1.954271
B17 0QB 68 0 52.448749 -1.954211
B17 0QD 18 0 52.448948 -1.957919
B17 0QE 20 0 52.448496 -1.957428
B17 0QF 15 0 52.448535 -1.958537
B17 0QG 32 0 52.449318 -1.959419
B17 0QH 44 0 52.450091 -1.961464
B17 0QJ 62 0 52.451269 -1.960815
B17 0QL 49 0 52.451664 -1.959388
B17 0QN 18 0 52.45028 -1.95986
B17 0QP 12 0 52.450747 -1.958741
B17 0QQ 22 0 52.449669 -1.962141