all postcodes in B29 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B29 6AE 5 3 52.444102 -1.935914
B29 6AF 16 5 52.445557 -1.934058
B29 6AG 72 0 52.445999 -1.935588
B29 6AH 46 0 52.445307 -1.935706
B29 6AL 1 1 52.438267 -1.935805
B29 6AN 41 0 52.44625 -1.934984
B29 6AP 7 0 52.446312 -1.932983
B29 6AQ 2 0 52.445654 -1.935391
B29 6AU 35 16 52.446227 -1.932198
B29 6AW 38 0 52.446349 -1.934616
B29 6BD 57 12 52.446191 -1.931065
B29 6BE 26 11 52.445377 -1.933602
B29 6BJ 26 7 52.44367 -1.935841
B29 6BL 3 0 52.446834 -1.93385
B29 6BP 50 1 52.443831 -1.933355
B29 6BQ 25 12 52.444718 -1.934613
B29 6BS 31 0 52.442383 -1.93168
B29 6BT 24 0 52.442352 -1.932145
B29 6BU 43 2 52.440494 -1.930388
B29 6BW 33 2 52.443974 -1.932972