all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 9SN 9 0 52.483389 -1.779534
B33 9SQ 7 4 52.482059 -1.779408
B33 9SS 25 0 52.483086 -1.776164
B33 9ST 21 0 52.482147 -1.773812
B33 9SU 15 0 52.482515 -1.773604
B33 9SX 30 0 52.483509 -1.776029
B33 9SY 26 0 52.484787 -1.777156
B33 9TA 32 0 52.483877 -1.775718
B33 9TB 37 0 52.484486 -1.774905
B33 9TD 32 0 52.483271 -1.773939
B33 9TE 14 0 52.484321 -1.773139
B33 9TF 43 0 52.4848 -1.774402
B33 9TG 33 0 52.485168 -1.774253
B33 9TH 20 0 52.484844 -1.778584
B33 9TJ 24 0 52.48594 -1.778446
B33 9TL 24 0 52.485364 -1.778096
B33 9TN 37 0 52.48565 -1.77674
B33 9TP 5 0 52.486122 -1.779255
B33 9TR 22 0 52.486326 -1.77815
B33 9TS 14 0 52.486767 -1.778354