all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 9RG 25 0 52.484644 -1.787038
B33 9RH 31 0 52.483792 -1.788294
B33 9RJ 18 0 52.482893 -1.788357
B33 9RL 37 0 52.483021 -1.789564
B33 9RN 37 0 52.482783 -1.787341
B33 9RP 26 0 52.481976 -1.788096
B33 9RR 22 0 52.482506 -1.788123
B33 9RS 5 0 52.482582 -1.790479
B33 9RT 47 0 52.48177 -1.788848
B33 9RU 31 0 52.480784 -1.785348
B33 9RX 10 0 52.480989 -1.78467
B33 9SA 44 3 52.483123 -1.781553
B33 9SB 25 8 52.48304 -1.780036
B33 9SD 11 6 52.482159 -1.780321
B33 9SE 5 0 52.481577 -1.781325
B33 9SF 1 0 52.480106 -1.783276
B33 9SG 44 0 52.480625 -1.78186
B33 9SH 6 0 52.482722 -1.778521
B33 9SJ 8 1 52.483287 -1.777768
B33 9SL 26 6 52.483154 -1.77874