all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 9LN 38 0 52.488112 -1.79088
B33 9LP 12 0 52.488679 -1.791319
B33 9LR 24 0 52.488901 -1.789845
B33 9LS 20 0 52.489641 -1.791653
B33 9LT 5 0 52.48963 -1.790593
B33 9LU 8 1 52.489112 -1.792362
B33 9LX 37 0 52.488248 -1.791969
B33 9LY 20 8 52.488202 -1.793096
B33 9LZ 16 13 52.488393 -1.794097
B33 9NA 17 1 52.490473 -1.794595
B33 9NB 28 0 52.489638 -1.795099
B33 9ND 4 0 52.491697 -1.795207
B33 9NE 15 1 52.491696 -1.794397
B33 9NG 47 0 52.490938 -1.793061
B33 9NH 34 0 52.490333 -1.791208
B33 9NJ 39 0 52.489611 -1.78968
B33 9NL 24 0 52.490301 -1.788321
B33 9NN 10 0 52.489634 -1.787544
B33 9NP 30 1 52.489888 -1.793669
B33 9NQ 24 0 52.489742 -1.792728