all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 9PX 18 0 52.483451 -1.793803
B33 9PY 23 0 52.483305 -1.792655
B33 9QA 13 0 52.483896 -1.791533
B33 9QB 23 0 52.483257 -1.79102
B33 9QD 2 0 52.482437 -1.791902
B33 9QE 3 0 52.482241 -1.790937
B33 9QG 52 0 52.483794 -1.789236
B33 9QN 30 0 52.484569 -1.785536
B33 9QP 14 0 52.484345 -1.786038
B33 9QR 1 1 52.485731 -1.786871
B33 9QS 1 1 52.485731 -1.786871
B33 9QT 20 0 52.483739 -1.784156
B33 9QU 56 0 52.482531 -1.782071
B33 9QX 18 0 52.481686 -1.782237
B33 9QY 3 0 52.481983 -1.782442
B33 9RA 33 0 52.482335 -1.782808
B33 9RB 22 1 52.482365 -1.78487
B33 9RD 1 1 52.483141 -1.786162
B33 9RE 22 0 52.483877 -1.785849
B33 9RF 14 0 52.484074 -1.785171