all postcodes in B33 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B33 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B33 9NR 15 0 52.486939 -1.788529
B33 9NS 45 0 52.488017 -1.788215
B33 9NT 4 0 52.489714 -1.787175
B33 9NY 46 9 52.486999 -1.79221
B33 9NZ 12 0 52.486179 -1.791036
B33 9PA 29 0 52.485836 -1.790463
B33 9PB 30 0 52.486074 -1.792715
B33 9PD 16 0 52.486325 -1.792317
B33 9PE 40 0 52.485668 -1.792025
B33 9PF 8 0 52.485082 -1.790629
B33 9PG 20 0 52.484991 -1.789996
B33 9PH 18 0 52.485834 -1.788873
B33 9PJ 22 0 52.484566 -1.788967
B33 9PL 26 0 52.485061 -1.789171
B33 9PN 18 0 52.484245 -1.790309
B33 9PP 28 0 52.485264 -1.792233
B33 9PR 13 0 52.485718 -1.794469
B33 9PS 28 0 52.484483 -1.792929
B33 9PT 42 0 52.484151 -1.793313
B33 9PU 32 0 52.484369 -1.794402