all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9JJ 28 4 50.933002 -0.272424
BN5 9JL 1 0 50.9334 -0.271699
BN5 9JN 47 0 50.939457 -0.26985
BN5 9JP 3 1 50.936355 -0.271716
BN5 9JQ 25 2 50.936107 -0.275597
BN5 9JR 36 0 50.937801 -0.271323
BN5 9HW 2 0 50.936659 -0.271336
BN5 9JS 21 0 50.936874 -0.270316
BN5 9JT 36 0 50.938375 -0.269663
BN5 9JU 20 0 50.936674 -0.269598
BN5 9JW 12 0 50.939272 -0.271338
BN5 9JX 4 0 50.937662 -0.270388
BN5 9JY 2 0 50.939089 -0.270805
BN5 9JZ 19 0 50.933643 -0.271121
BN5 9LA 16 0 50.935158 -0.271675
BN5 9LB 30 0 50.934889 -0.271087
BN5 9LD 11 0 50.934119 -0.270746
BN5 9LF 26 0 50.939965 -0.271326
BN5 9LG 30 0 50.937704 -0.270842
BN5 9LH 22 1 50.929681 -0.268591