all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 6BN 22 1 51.350632 0.086651
BR6 6BP 36 0 51.353591 0.091066
BR6 6BQ 28 7 51.352932 0.089212
BR6 6BS 10 0 51.352514 0.088418
BR6 6BT 1 1 51.350288 0.088187
BR6 6BU 7 0 51.351948 0.08852
BR6 6BW 15 1 51.349684 0.08727
BR6 6BX 33 0 51.34856 0.085739
BR6 6BY 28 0 51.345948 0.08295
BR6 6BZ 14 0 51.349051 0.085934
BR6 6DA 2 2 51.356558 0.087681
BR6 6DB 60 0 51.354875 0.088698
BR6 6DD 11 4 51.355618 0.089852
BR6 6DE 28 0 51.355801 0.09121
BR6 6DF 27 0 51.355761 0.093449
BR6 6DG 34 0 51.353863 0.094483
BR6 6DH 26 0 51.351873 0.096115
BR6 6DJ 34 0 51.356692 0.090662
BR6 6DL 18 0 51.356834 0.09278
BR6 6DN 23 0 51.354187 0.095977