all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 6HP 25 0 51.3534 0.109786
BR6 6HQ 21 0 51.35357 0.097313
BR6 6HR 26 0 51.350793 0.110297
BR6 6HS 20 0 51.351735 0.112323
BR6 6HT 20 0 51.352286 0.099696
BR6 6HU 20 0 51.352024 0.100258
BR6 6HW 20 1 51.352393 0.105747
BR6 6HX 13 0 51.35935 0.090409
BR6 6HY 36 0 51.359367 0.093441
BR6 6HZ 9 0 51.359074 0.098268
BR6 6JA 16 0 51.358684 0.10098
BR6 6JB 2 0 51.357135 0.104196
BR6 6JD 21 0 51.358434 0.097334
BR6 6JE 35 0 51.359842 0.096594
BR6 6JF 37 1 51.36015 0.09194
BR6 6JG 11 0 51.359128 0.102767
BR6 6JH 26 0 51.358281 0.100372
BR6 6JJ 10 0 51.35811 0.099359
BR6 6JL 10 0 51.35766 0.101378
BR6 6JN 26 0 51.360003 0.102146