all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

find any address or company within the BR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 6LP 15 0 51.357385 0.097171
BR6 6LQ 31 0 51.35676 0.095951
BR6 6LR 16 0 51.357163 0.098511
BR6 6LT 8 0 51.358108 0.09143
BR6 6LU 19 0 51.357517 0.091288
BR6 6LW 32 0 51.35837 0.095407
BR6 6NA 10 0 51.358243 0.090431
BR6 6NB 8 0 51.357398 0.090407
BR6 6NF 34 0 51.357386 0.100662
BR6 6NG 5 0 51.358473 0.094147
BR6 6NP 10 0 51.358204 0.092598
BR6 6NR 7 0 51.35818 0.09297
BR6 6NU 4 0 51.353685 0.088944
BR6 6NW 31 0 51.354084 0.088746
BR6 6NX 8 0 51.353225 0.088478
BR6 6NY 6 0 51.353554 0.089239
BR6 6NZ 3 0 51.35407 0.089507
BR6 6PA 24 0 51.354756 0.087802
BR6 6ZD 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 6BH 5 0 51.350951 0.089869