all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 6EP 10 1 51.357847 0.12592
BR6 6NN 4 2 51.358767 0.126822
BR6 6EQ 26 0 51.356585 0.1012
BR6 6ER 6 3 51.357155 0.117471
BR6 6ES 42 0 51.358478 0.102421
BR6 6ET 11 0 51.352103 0.095322
BR6 6EU 24 1 51.356479 0.107586
BR6 6EX 43 0 51.35855 0.104421
BR6 6EY 23 18 51.35635 0.105324
BR6 6EZ 24 0 51.356349 0.105297
BR6 6HA 16 0 51.357638 0.105643
BR6 6HB 7 0 51.358 0.127392
BR6 6HD 31 4 51.355726 0.104017
BR6 6HE 26 0 51.354856 0.10181
BR6 6HF 28 0 51.354817 0.100472
BR6 6HG 15 0 51.353775 0.098917
BR6 6HH 18 0 51.355743 0.107495
BR6 6HJ 35 0 51.355337 0.105595
BR6 6HL 14 0 51.355035 0.108382
BR6 6HN 25 0 51.35286 0.105266