all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1JY 18 6 51.350738 -2.980004
BS23 1JZ 27 3 51.350933 -2.980281
BS23 1LA 16 5 51.350219 -2.978614
BS23 1LF 5 5 51.350279 -2.977854
BS23 1LG 8 6 51.349942 -2.978307
BS23 1LN 23 5 51.350055 -2.977706
BS23 1LP 1 1 51.344568 -2.977296
BS23 1LS 32 0 51.350895 -2.977322
BS23 1LT 24 1 51.351127 -2.976832
BS23 1LW 1 1 51.350078 -2.977161
BS23 1LY 4 1 51.350597 -2.977488
BS23 1LZ 3 2 51.350779 -2.976495
BS23 1NA 18 9 51.350021 -2.976442
BS23 1NF 39 14 51.350139 -2.974175
BS23 1NR 14 11 51.35042 -2.976048
BS23 1NG 22 0 51.349531 -2.973079
BS23 1NJ 42 0 51.344806 -2.980058
BS23 1NN 13 6 51.350397 -2.976607
BS23 1NX 5 5 51.350497 -2.975403
BS23 1NZ 3 2 51.350888 -2.97532