all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1PD 26 0 51.350677 -2.974698
BS23 1PE 3 3 51.35059 -2.974308
BS23 1PF 1 0 51.350641 -2.973281
BS23 1PG 19 1 51.350691 -2.971502
BS23 1PH 12 0 51.349955 -2.974007
BS23 1PP 54 3 51.349258 -2.974085
BS23 1PQ 1 1 51.350241 -2.972017
BS23 1PR 12 1 51.349219 -2.974486
BS23 1PS 6 0 51.349012 -2.974539
BS23 1PT 2 0 51.349487 -2.974664
BS23 1PU 87 1 51.347794 -2.973867
BS23 1PX 2 0 51.348447 -2.974355
BS23 1PZ 48 0 51.348026 -2.974159
BS23 1QF 7 4 51.349264 -2.978085
BS23 1QG 12 9 51.347904 -2.978019
BS23 1QH 16 8 51.348265 -2.976763
BS23 1QJ 21 2 51.34839 -2.976214
BS23 1QL 37 6 51.348815 -2.97483
BS23 1QN 13 1 51.348564 -2.975334
BS23 1QP 31 5 51.347958 -2.976872