all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0DL 1 0 54.658086 -3.366086
CA13 0DN 7 0 54.657917 -3.371444
CA13 0DP 3 1 54.65737 -3.370573
CA13 0DQ 9 0 54.658751 -3.370062
CA13 0DR 28 0 54.658257 -3.368417
CA13 0DS 2 1 54.656498 -3.367181
CA13 0DT 4 0 54.658583 -3.363421
CA13 0DU 6 0 54.659603 -3.36299
CA13 0DY 16 0 54.661228 -3.367928
CA13 0DZ 16 0 54.661277 -3.368379
CA13 0EB 44 0 54.662527 -3.368313
CA13 0ED 6 0 54.661892 -3.368012
CA13 0EE 5 1 54.660174 -3.369769
CA13 0EG 23 1 54.663047 -3.367679
CA13 0EH 10 2 54.663262 -3.368462
CA13 0EJ 3 2 54.663698 -3.36871
CA13 0EN 4 0 54.662714 -3.369234
CA13 0EP 27 0 54.662614 -3.37013
CA13 0ER 9 0 54.663147 -3.370706
CA13 0ES 7 0 54.662739 -3.370258