all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 0ET 23 0 54.662592 -3.369772
CA13 0EU 13 0 54.663175 -3.371435
CA13 0EW 4 0 54.663068 -3.369804
CA13 0EX 14 1 54.663325 -3.370651
CA13 0EY 16 3 54.662467 -3.37121
CA13 0EZ 10 0 54.662869 -3.370634
CA13 0FA 6 0 54.662439 -3.370542
CA13 0FB 9 0 54.66199 -3.368171
CA13 0GS 1 1 54.662798 -3.366601
CA13 0HA 8 0 54.662285 -3.371467
CA13 0HB 31 0 54.662694 -3.372598
CA13 0HE 16 0 54.662722 -3.371761
CA13 0HG 40 0 54.665613 -3.368044
CA13 0HH 6 4 54.663191 -3.375375
CA13 0HQ 21 0 54.663144 -3.371775
CA13 0HR 9 1 54.665294 -3.369987
CA13 0HS 2 2 54.665958 -3.368305
CA13 0HT 21 14 54.667252 -3.365961
CA13 0HW 3 0 54.664213 -3.371843
CA13 0JA 33 0 54.665229 -3.370792