all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3EX 4 1 54.774866 -2.399779
CA9 3EY 7 0 54.76994 -2.394141
CA9 3EZ 3 0 54.768322 -2.39139
CA9 3HA 3 0 54.764956 -2.390962
CA9 3HB 13 0 54.757508 -2.375265
CA9 3HD 1 0 54.75747 -2.36811
CA9 3HE 5 0 54.760393 -2.392954
CA9 3HF 7 0 54.748218 -2.381169
CA9 3HN 8 1 54.815339 -2.441929
CA9 3HP 3 2 54.812153 -2.438207
CA9 3HR 1 1 54.812205 -2.43826
CA9 3HS 15 5 54.812689 -2.439068
CA9 3HU 10 4 54.812638 -2.44095
CA9 3HX 9 1 54.812266 -2.441693
CA9 3HY 1 1 54.810981 -2.441265
CA9 3HZ 19 2 54.813075 -2.441702
CA9 3JB 2 1 54.814484 -2.44177
CA9 3JD 5 0 54.813483 -2.440866
CA9 3JE 1 0 54.813691 -2.440526
CA9 3JF 11 2 54.8128 -2.440688