all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3JG 6 0 54.813324 -2.440055
CA9 3JH 4 0 54.813444 -2.439076
CA9 3JJ 4 0 54.813257 -2.438779
CA9 3JQ 12 0 54.813327 -2.439137
CA9 3JS 3 0 54.81362 -2.437756
CA9 3JT 1 0 54.815386 -2.428936
CA9 3JU 17 0 54.813093 -2.438736
CA9 3JW 25 0 54.817077 -2.440921
CA9 3JX 15 2 54.814868 -2.44
CA9 3JY 3 0 54.820234 -2.445002
CA9 3JZ 7 0 54.820245 -2.439586
CA9 3LA 3 0 54.838058 -2.468023
CA9 3LB 2 0 54.812184 -2.42144
CA9 3LD 11 0 54.809793 -2.408236
CA9 3LE 2 0 54.815234 -2.390739
CA9 3LF 5 0 54.815052 -2.378033
CA9 3LX 6 1 54.811254 -2.37974
CA9 3LG 4 0 54.810134 -2.390107
CA9 3LH 12 1 54.800737 -2.368386
CA9 3LJ 1 0 54.798316 -2.36422