all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 5LT 3 52.138562 0.348089
CB21 5LU 1 52.14353 0.345617
CB21 5LY 0 52.141862 0.346714
CB21 5NA 0 52.146122 0.344584
CB21 5NE 0 52.14678 0.338904
CB21 5NF 0 52.153494 0.32968
CB21 5NH 0 52.145609 0.33874
CB21 5NJ 0 52.146113 0.341661
CB21 5NL 0 52.142597 0.348638
CB21 5NQ 0 52.145221 0.339684
CB21 5NR 0 52.132617 0.386456
CB21 5NT 1 52.144107 0.376532
CB21 5NS 0 52.14108 0.37925
CB21 5NU 0 52.145242 0.377557
CB21 5NX 0 52.145105 0.372054
CB21 5NZ 0 52.144295 0.372961
CB21 5NY 1 52.150531 0.36784
CB21 5PA 1 52.154292 0.364151
CB21 5PB 0 52.153221 0.362866
CB21 5PE 0 52.153088 0.362128