all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 5JL 0 52.193759 0.264726
CB21 5JN 0 52.197839 0.264831
CB21 5JP 0 52.172783 0.268325
CB21 5JQ 1 52.194741 0.264629
CB21 5JS 0 52.194932 0.267785
CB21 5JT 0 52.1945 0.266417
CB21 5JW 1 52.182752 0.272518
CB21 5JY 1 52.202871 0.253788
CB21 5JZ 0 52.204051 0.256774
CB21 5LA 0 52.203535 0.251963
CB21 5LB 0 52.203872 0.26161
CB21 5LD 0 52.202185 0.271711
CB21 5LE 0 52.203337 0.260427
CB21 5LF 0 52.205712 0.246731
CB21 5LG 0 52.20268 0.250105
CB21 5LJ 0 52.185923 0.207067
CB21 5LP 0 52.128327 0.359883
CB21 5LQ 0 52.203125 0.252689
CB21 5LR 8 52.137973 0.365844
CB21 5LS 1 52.138877 0.345826