all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 2SW 14 0 51.410967 -3.481786
CF61 2UA 22 0 51.414589 -3.486922
CF61 2UB 21 0 51.413775 -3.486593
CF61 2UD 20 0 51.414511 -3.485927
CF61 2UE 28 0 51.412162 -3.472564
CF61 2UF 13 0 51.415056 -3.487642
CF61 2UG 38 0 51.409009 -3.468739
CF61 2UH 43 0 51.41562 -3.486466
CF61 2UN 31 0 51.408863 -3.472516
CF61 2UP 40 0 51.408517 -3.472792
CF61 2UQ 23 0 51.408591 -3.469789
CF61 2UR 20 0 51.409531 -3.471559
CF61 2US 16 0 51.409333 -3.473005
CF61 2UZ 4 0 51.414048 -3.474207
CF61 2WJ 8 0 51.418029 -3.468668
CF61 2XA 31 0 51.412991 -3.476673
CF61 2XB 51 0 51.410566 -3.477215
CF61 2XD 18 2 51.41111 -3.48041
CF61 2XE 31 0 51.412537 -3.476387
CF61 2XF 38 0 51.41222 -3.475816