all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

find any address or company within the CF61 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 1YU 26 6 51.415379 -3.497604
CF61 1YW 3 1 51.407449 -3.498207
CF61 1YX 8 0 51.406627 -3.503399
CF61 1YY 10 0 51.402532 -3.527317
CF61 1YZ 13 0 51.404557 -3.529958
CF61 1ZA 11 0 51.404594 -3.530578
CF61 1ZB 35 1 51.405384 -3.529267
CF61 1ZD 3 0 51.409895 -3.540475
CF61 1ZE 10 0 51.411912 -3.545087
CF61 1ZF 8 0 51.409999 -3.552341
CF61 1ZG 34 1 51.412323 -3.547962
CF61 1ZH 4 0 51.400899 -3.552335
CF61 1AE 0 51.409698 -3.48823
CF61 1UB 3 0 51.395541 -3.449808
CF61 1BN 7 0 51.400829 -3.47923
CF61 1YJ 0 51.40853 -3.479637
CF61 1AF 0 51.408345 -3.480046
CF61 1UG 0 51.4073 -3.485923
CF61 1UN 3 0 51.411875 -3.486761
CF61 1UP 0 51.410289 -3.482712