all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 1SP 23 1 51.409671 -3.488947
CF61 1SQ 3 0 51.409012 -3.489817
CF61 1SR 15 0 51.41113 -3.486637
CF61 1SS 25 0 51.410406 -3.486253
CF61 1ST 11 5 51.409502 -3.484586
CF61 1SU 17 0 51.412027 -3.485414
CF61 1SW 7 0 51.409471 -3.491242
CF61 1SX 14 0 51.410266 -3.487414
CF61 1SY 16 0 51.409825 -3.487472
CF61 1SZ 25 0 51.402573 -3.482852
CF61 1TA 17 0 51.401989 -3.481395
CF61 1TB 16 0 51.402053 -3.479873
CF61 1TD 41 0 51.407677 -3.48165
CF61 1TE 24 0 51.405766 -3.482768
CF61 1TF 37 0 51.40684 -3.482443
CF61 1TG 49 0 51.406271 -3.481232
CF61 1TH 34 0 51.405917 -3.477899
CF61 1TJ 26 0 51.40526 -3.478668
CF61 1TL 18 0 51.405313 -3.481574
CF61 1TN 40 0 51.404499 -3.481202