all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 1RN 0 51.403494 -3.481846
CF61 1RP 1 51.404124 -3.481766
CF61 1RQ 0 51.405466 -3.483707
CF61 1RR 0 51.403458 -3.479703
CF61 1RS 0 51.403029 -3.478783
CF61 1RU 0 51.403973 -3.488044
CF61 1RW 0 51.404725 -3.486142
CF61 1RX 0 51.40286 -3.477858
CF61 1RY 0 51.407692 -3.484786
CF61 1RZ 5 51.408744 -3.486919
CF61 1SA 0 51.407729 -3.487489
CF61 1SB 8 51.408101 -3.486539
CF61 1SD 2 51.407999 -3.486794
CF61 1SE 0 51.408749 -3.487883
CF61 1SF 0 51.407308 -3.488109
CF61 1SG 1 51.408342 -3.487395
CF61 1SH 0 51.408341 -3.488186
CF61 1SJ 11 0 51.408735 -3.49047
CF61 1SL 8 0 51.40955 -3.492093
CF61 1SN 12 0 51.409754 -3.491654