all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 1HJ 0 51.403685 -3.529929
CF61 1HP 0 51.406386 -3.484153
CF61 1PP 1 51.408256 -3.480721
CF61 1PZ 0 51.398846 -3.483822
CF61 1QE 0 51.401348 -3.482294
CF61 1QT 0 51.403115 -3.483372
CF61 1QU 0 51.402815 -3.481451
CF61 1QW 0 51.4037 -3.483966
CF61 1QX 0 51.403518 -3.485556
CF61 1QY 0 51.404039 -3.484236
CF61 1QZ 0 51.404155 -3.486396
CF61 1RA 1 51.409373 -3.486235
CF61 1RB 10 51.408771 -3.485497
CF61 1RD 0 51.407216 -3.483994
CF61 1RE 1 51.40653 -3.484949
CF61 1RF 1 51.40231 -3.485862
CF61 1RG 0 51.405135 -3.484976
CF61 1RH 0 51.406708 -3.485789
CF61 1RJ 1 51.406079 -3.485726
CF61 1RL 0 51.404736 -3.486688