all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 2DT 0 51.614368 0.322433
CM13 2DU 22 0 51.614333 0.321435
CM13 2DX 24 0 51.614389 0.323358
CM13 2DY 19 0 51.613918 0.322626
CM13 2DZ 34 0 51.613743 0.320537
CM13 2EA 8 0 51.61424 0.320722
CM13 2EB 23 0 51.613283 0.320919
CM13 2ED 30 0 51.613127 0.32198
CM13 2EE 37 0 51.612591 0.323757
CM13 2EF 22 0 51.612874 0.322487
CM13 2EG 24 0 51.613328 0.32014
CM13 2EH 38 0 51.612063 0.322733
CM13 2EJ 4 0 51.613503 0.324497
CM13 2EL 25 0 51.614787 0.322338
CM13 2EN 30 0 51.614253 0.325504
CM13 2EP 40 0 51.615114 0.324868
CM13 2EQ 54 0 51.61299 0.319949
CM13 2ER 48 0 51.615415 0.328135
CM13 2ES 19 0 51.61499 0.328229
CM13 2ET 28 0 51.614572 0.329087