all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 2EU 6 0 51.614888 0.329307
CM13 2EW 5 0 51.614489 0.324634
CM13 2EX 19 0 51.61423 0.327135
CM13 2EY 12 0 51.614375 0.32707
CM13 2HD 10 0 51.616878 0.33549
CM13 2HE 19 0 51.624485 0.34293
CM13 2HF 7 0 51.623525 0.344038
CM13 2HG 26 1 51.621636 0.342885
CM13 2HH 5 0 51.621595 0.343823
CM13 2HJ 37 0 51.620388 0.34077
CM13 2HL 14 0 51.620476 0.34375
CM13 2HN 25 0 51.619368 0.34206
CM13 2HP 29 0 51.61811 0.340465
CM13 2HQ 4 0 51.621303 0.344674
CM13 2HR 27 0 51.61847 0.339097
CM13 2HS 28 0 51.619611 0.33979
CM13 2HT 10 0 51.619829 0.338328
CM13 2HU 1 0 51.619729 0.337499
CM13 2HW 36 0 51.618147 0.34194
CM13 2HX 17 0 51.619635 0.337077