all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 2HY 37 0 51.61855 0.337092
CM13 2HZ 38 0 51.618053 0.335652
CM13 2JA 36 0 51.619299 0.33586
CM13 2JB 10 0 51.616859 0.336038
CM13 2JD 18 0 51.619523 0.343601
CM13 2JE 20 0 51.617032 0.334978
CM13 2JF 5 0 51.621061 0.343593
CM13 2JG 17 0 51.625248 0.327497
CM13 2JH 9 0 51.624063 0.327855
CM13 2JJ 17 0 51.624561 0.329208
CM13 2JL 11 0 51.624187 0.33065
CM13 2JN 20 0 51.622947 0.32787
CM13 2JP 16 0 51.622511 0.328541
CM13 2JR 36 0 51.622671 0.329704
CM13 2JS 11 0 51.621183 0.330207
CM13 2JT 21 0 51.622327 0.331942
CM13 2JU 8 0 51.622924 0.331741
CM13 2JW 25 0 51.621788 0.326901
CM13 2JX 23 0 51.621212 0.332562
CM13 2JY 1 0 51.620399 0.303583