all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 2JZ 13 0 51.621084 0.334276
CM13 2LA 27 0 51.621328 0.328351
CM13 2LD 12 0 51.613313 0.330743
CM13 2LG 20 0 51.621962 0.33448
CM13 2LX 17 0 51.624201 0.332831
CM13 2LJ 9 0 51.623485 0.334732
CM13 2LL 5 0 51.622944 0.336611
CM13 2LN 21 0 51.621749 0.33837
CM13 2LP 18 0 51.623404 0.338816
CM13 2LQ 20 0 51.620886 0.337197
CM13 2LR 13 0 51.621884 0.340631
CM13 2LS 11 0 51.622827 0.341575
CM13 2LT 31 0 51.624949 0.341164
CM13 2LU 15 0 51.62448 0.338973
CM13 2LZ 8 0 51.626081 0.331296
CM13 2NA 7 1 51.626076 0.329244
CM13 2NB 10 0 51.626942 0.331398
CM13 2ND 17 0 51.627373 0.333674
CM13 2NE 26 0 51.625999 0.333575
CM13 2NF 10 0 51.62827 0.332449