all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 8AA 20 0 51.62141 0.307029
CM15 8AB 1 1 51.621757 0.307264
CM15 8AD 6 0 51.622161 0.30847
CM15 8AE 1 0 51.62268 0.309999
CM15 8AG 14 9 51.621982 0.306769
CM15 8AH 1 1 51.621854 0.306273
CM15 8AJ 3 3 51.623219 0.308625
CM15 8AL 1 1 51.62163 0.305771
CM15 8AP 30 12 51.621104 0.306147
CM15 8AQ 1 1 51.622553 0.307768
CM15 8AS 1 1 51.619942 0.307448
CM15 8AT 8 4 51.619933 0.30606
CM15 8AY 1 1 51.618352 0.307815
CM15 8AZ 4 0 51.617957 0.311435
CM15 8BA 28 0 51.616234 0.31464
CM15 8BD 1 1 51.622762 0.311304
CM15 8BE 43 1 51.616365 0.317392
CM15 8BG 10 2 51.616804 0.316258
CM15 8BJ 11 0 51.618356 0.310372
CM15 8BL 2 0 51.618664 0.311325