all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6BA 0 51.934294 0.255432
CM22 6BB 0 51.934383 0.256874
CM22 6BD 0 51.934029 0.257019
CM22 6BE 0 51.934785 0.257958
CM22 6BG 3 51.93807 0.256855
CM22 6BH 0 51.94543 0.273932
CM22 6FH 0 51.944417 0.276107
CM22 6BJ 2 51.923977 0.256034
CM22 6BL 1 51.921476 0.273841
CM22 6BN 0 51.916992 0.272713
CM22 6BP 1 51.929695 0.248539
CM22 6BQ 1 51.937299 0.268894
CM22 6BS 0 51.930083 0.249417
CM22 6BT 0 51.929673 0.24784
CM22 6BY 0 51.913934 0.227147
CM22 6DA 0 51.914521 0.230826
CM22 6DB 0 51.914469 0.23117
CM22 6DD 2 51.914209 0.23305
CM22 6DE 0 51.915142 0.23218
CM22 6DF 0 51.915746 0.232588