all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6HS 6 1 51.926733 0.190589
CM22 6HT 11 0 51.928537 0.201368
CM22 6HZ 9 0 51.939338 0.199365
CM22 6HU 7 0 51.932418 0.201543
CM22 6HW 5 0 51.919513 0.211223
CM22 6HX 10 0 51.932269 0.199889
CM22 6HY 5 0 51.931725 0.198728
CM22 6JA 10 0 51.937747 0.201743
CM22 6JB 7 0 51.936196 0.210617
CM22 6JD 4 0 51.941379 0.220486
CM22 6JE 1 0 51.940562 0.225178
CM22 6JG 7 0 51.937191 0.229404
CM22 6JH 25 1 51.927698 0.231101
CM22 6JJ 15 0 51.927474 0.234869
CM22 6JL 10 0 51.924158 0.225733
CM22 6JP 9 0 51.920564 0.224639
CM22 6JQ 16 0 51.932236 0.228429
CM22 6JR 13 0 51.920774 0.223486
CM22 6JS 37 0 51.918808 0.223782
CM22 6JW 8 0 51.937382 0.201074