all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6JX 33 21 51.921151 0.225933
CM22 6LA 20 1 51.915799 0.228402
CM22 6LB 23 0 51.917592 0.227706
CM22 6LD 35 0 51.918553 0.229205
CM22 6LE 35 0 51.917728 0.229545
CM22 6LG 24 0 51.919895 0.227689
CM22 6LH 18 0 51.913237 0.227389
CM22 6LJ 20 0 51.912321 0.223953
CM22 6LL 10 2 51.911724 0.223199
CM22 6LP 10 0 51.914365 0.228593
CM22 6LQ 8 0 51.91909 0.228885
CM22 6LR 37 0 51.916337 0.229389
CM22 6LS 46 0 51.916897 0.230216
CM22 6LT 30 0 51.915999 0.230652
CM22 6LU 34 0 51.915397 0.230128
CM22 6LX 16 0 51.920158 0.227571
CM22 6LY 16 0 51.869438 0.232398
CM22 6LZ 8 0 51.91964 0.228796
CM22 6NB 4 0 51.869271 0.227481
CM22 6NE 12 1 51.867611 0.246661