all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6EH 23 5 51.913923 0.229572
CM22 6EL 46 0 51.9137 0.230494
CM22 6EN 3 0 51.915027 0.233526
CM22 6EP 9 0 51.914623 0.230147
CM22 6EQ 8 0 51.91356 0.229775
CM22 6ET 8 0 51.913597 0.228817
CM22 6EY 5 0 51.921256 0.223219
CM22 6EZ 22 0 51.921156 0.224727
CM22 6HA 36 2 51.920376 0.226026
CM22 6HB 28 0 51.919008 0.2251
CM22 6HD 20 0 51.919453 0.22537
CM22 6HE 18 0 51.919827 0.223192
CM22 6HG 20 0 51.920561 0.221905
CM22 6HH 4 0 51.921701 0.216304
CM22 6HJ 12 2 51.924019 0.215953
CM22 6HL 17 0 51.921704 0.214239
CM22 6HN 9 0 51.919414 0.214516
CM22 6HP 20 1 51.922186 0.205362
CM22 6HQ 1 1 51.902817 0.195179
CM22 6HR 10 1 51.924037 0.202078