all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7ES 5 0 51.8162 0.203462
CM22 7ET 37 1 51.815524 0.205939
CM22 7EU 25 0 51.813433 0.2081
CM22 7EZ 12 0 51.815307 0.200734
CM22 7GD 8 0 51.824859 0.241572
CM22 7GX 5 1 51.802399 0.180161
CM22 7HA 3 0 51.826734 0.233277
CM22 7HB 19 0 51.826235 0.239217
CM22 7HD 10 1 51.826655 0.241602
CM22 7HE 3 1 51.826044 0.24121
CM22 7HF 11 3 51.826158 0.241825
CM22 7HG 8 0 51.826216 0.243018
CM22 7HH 9 2 51.826609 0.245055
CM22 7HJ 9 0 51.826548 0.246358
CM22 7HL 9 1 51.82525 0.241809
CM22 7HN 6 0 51.824814 0.242034
CM22 7HP 7 1 51.823567 0.242843
CM22 7HQ 14 0 51.825974 0.242963
CM22 7HR 3 0 51.825683 0.24125
CM22 7HS 3 0 51.825538 0.24133