all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7JT 7 2 51.813891 0.268594
CM22 7JU 10 0 51.833351 0.262518
CM22 7JW 8 0 51.82599 0.251061
CM22 7JX 11 1 51.839532 0.27444
CM22 7JY 9 1 51.828719 0.279804
CM22 7JZ 17 8 51.842953 0.27001
CM22 7LA 4 0 51.838391 0.255745
CM22 7LB 1 0 51.824804 0.23025
CM22 7LD 4 0 51.802196 0.179005
CM22 7LF 1 0 51.824275 0.231514
CM22 7LH 2 0 51.804761 0.188947
CM22 7LJ 11 0 51.810384 0.204699
CM22 7LL 16 7 51.806148 0.197501
CM22 7LN 18 0 51.805112 0.191461
CM22 7LP 3 0 51.804919 0.190698
CM22 7LQ 10 0 51.823146 0.241313
CM22 7LR 8 3 51.804517 0.189097
CM22 7LS 6 0 51.804677 0.18822
CM22 7LT 21 0 51.803963 0.186503
CM22 7LU 8 1 51.804323 0.186955