all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 3WB 8 0 51.861456 0.150206
CM23 3WD 12 0 51.862181 0.154322
CM23 3XE 1 1 51.902817 0.195179
CM23 3XF 1 1 51.87101 0.158783
CM23 3XG 12 12 51.871033 0.160483
CM23 3XH 8 7 51.871107 0.159877
CM23 3XQ 17 12 51.870651 0.160755
CM23 3XR 1 1 51.902817 0.195179
CM23 3XY 1 1 51.868869 0.16375
CM23 3YJ 1 1 51.869422 0.161031
CM23 3YL 58 0 51.86912 0.164256
CM23 3YN 30 0 51.865021 0.162722
CM23 3YP 24 0 51.860884 0.166198
CM23 3YR 9 0 51.864264 0.161844
CM23 3YS 9 0 51.865423 0.162858
CM23 3YT 41 34 51.858185 0.166243
CM23 3YW 59 0 51.864729 0.16297
CM23 3GR 18 2 51.863625 0.154493
CM23 3GA 9 0 51.864864 0.161974
CM23 3GY 8 0 51.860341 0.163936