all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 2EZ 5 0 51.780822 0.577114
CM3 2HA 17 0 51.774704 0.594423
CM3 2HB 24 1 51.775142 0.595361
CM3 2HD 12 4 51.775537 0.594181
CM3 2HE 9 0 51.777245 0.597845
CM3 2HG 6 0 51.776895 0.599855
CM3 2HH 15 0 51.775785 0.601226
CM3 2HJ 9 0 51.776565 0.599328
CM3 2HL 15 0 51.77575 0.600398
CM3 2HN 1 0 51.7762 0.599989
CM3 2HP 11 6 51.774905 0.602393
CM3 2HQ 1 0 51.776555 0.600169
CM3 2HR 14 0 51.770597 0.60848
CM3 2HS 7 1 51.773517 0.603372
CM3 2HT 4 0 51.773225 0.604761
CM3 2HU 4 0 51.773635 0.604915
CM3 2HW 14 0 51.774586 0.601766
CM3 2HX 9 0 51.775361 0.602521
CM3 2HY 6 0 51.775258 0.603095
CM3 2HZ 39 0 51.774176 0.600003