all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1PP 10 0 51.821655 0.520106
CM3 1PQ 6 0 51.823349 0.492975
CM3 1PR 10 1 51.824927 0.515964
CM3 1PS 12 0 51.829949 0.520395
CM3 1PT 2 0 51.83302 0.526095
CM3 1PU 8 0 51.836106 0.526865
CM3 1PW 1 0 51.816217 0.522907
CM3 1PX 4 0 51.839333 0.524389
CM3 1PY 19 0 51.825936 0.502827
CM3 1PZ 4 0 51.842031 0.505491
CM3 1QA 2 1 51.84384 0.50247
CM3 1QB 37 1 51.848382 0.496957
CM3 1QD 7 0 51.850279 0.495669
CM3 1QE 3 0 51.856679 0.495848
CM3 1QF 6 0 51.85543 0.4979
CM3 1QG 18 0 51.861017 0.496917
CM3 1QH 6 0 51.846524 0.478052
CM3 1QJ 6 0 51.845363 0.473836
CM3 1QL 1 0 51.840482 0.490757
CM3 1QN 5 0 51.841447 0.497416