all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1SG 1 51.83156 0.508176
CM3 1GS 15 0 51.827241 0.504481
CM3 1FE 2 0 51.781101 0.436229
CM3 1FF 0 51.783285 0.446279
CM3 1FH 0 51.830385 0.448282
CM3 1FA 8 0 51.834594 0.513047
CM3 2AA 5 0 51.787759 0.586399
CM3 2AB 4 0 51.788384 0.587
CM3 2AD 2 0 51.788526 0.58586
CM3 2AE 2 0 51.790129 0.594725
CM3 2AF 2 0 51.791663 0.583879
CM3 2AG 9 9 51.792692 0.584953
CM3 2AJ 5 0 51.799179 0.58685
CM3 2AL 5 0 51.801691 0.587965
CM3 2AN 1 0 51.804975 0.575997
CM3 2AP 1 0 51.812095 0.553044
CM3 2AQ 2 0 51.793736 0.583693
CM3 2AR 5 0 51.812715 0.553079
CM3 2AS 1 0 51.815199 0.550521
CM3 2AT 4 0 51.82051 0.561835