all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

find any address or company within the CM3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1JJ 23 0 51.826573 0.503748
CM3 1JL 19 0 51.826643 0.504245
CM3 1JN 6 6 51.813723 0.454241
CM3 1JP 7 0 51.838182 0.464644
CM3 1JQ 3 0 51.81372 0.424468
CM3 1JR 3 0 51.836885 0.447081
CM3 1JS 5 0 51.834319 0.446797
CM3 1JT 3 0 51.83411 0.447773
CM3 1JU 2 0 51.833848 0.447787
CM3 1JW 10 0 51.826422 0.504494
CM3 1JX 2 0 51.833669 0.447777
CM3 1JY 7 0 51.832664 0.447636
CM3 1JZ 2 0 51.829241 0.44449
CM3 1LA 2 0 51.830794 0.449334
CM3 1LB 4 0 51.830771 0.456953
CM3 1LD 6 0 51.82374 0.445251
CM3 1LE 6 0 51.820899 0.44559
CM3 1LF 26 0 51.82365 0.431344
CM3 1LG 14 0 51.825203 0.429294
CM3 1LH 33 8 51.825806 0.434057