all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1BE 23 13 51.79751 0.637273
CM8 1BG 12 0 51.790017 0.630933
CM8 1BH 1 1 51.797477 0.637546
CM8 1BJ 34 7 51.799752 0.637575
CM8 1BN 5 2 51.799533 0.638899
CM8 1BP 20 1 51.798607 0.635698
CM8 1BQ 23 2 51.799693 0.638561
CM8 1BS 4 0 51.798104 0.636045
CM8 1BT 10 1 51.796006 0.634574
CM8 1BU 23 1 51.795956 0.635166
CM8 1BW 9 0 51.797533 0.635867
CM8 1BX 7 1 51.794916 0.634641
CM8 1BY 12 0 51.793852 0.635986
CM8 1BZ 27 1 51.792199 0.637482
CM8 1DA 2 0 51.793483 0.637963
CM8 1DB 20 0 51.794714 0.636413
CM8 1DD 10 0 51.794919 0.637296
CM8 1DE 9 0 51.795384 0.63622
CM8 1DF 24 0 51.794086 0.636348
CM8 1DG 19 0 51.792509 0.636517