all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1DH 15 0 51.792613 0.635479
CM8 1DJ 20 2 51.79227 0.634733
CM8 1DL 6 0 51.790562 0.631501
CM8 1DN 15 0 51.799734 0.635154
CM8 1DP 6 0 51.791095 0.6322
CM8 1DQ 9 0 51.792929 0.635802
CM8 1DR 31 0 51.800592 0.634972
CM8 1DS 22 0 51.79028 0.632413
CM8 1DT 27 0 51.793557 0.635084
CM8 1DU 46 0 51.794166 0.634017
CM8 1DW 13 0 51.798407 0.636571
CM8 1DX 13 1 51.791263 0.629889
CM8 1JN 35 0 51.790218 0.639211
CM8 1DY 1 1 51.795914 0.635076
CM8 1DZ 6 0 51.790693 0.628449
CM8 1EA 29 0 51.793571 0.633243
CM8 1EB 1 0 51.783139 0.618773
CM8 1EE 1 1 51.790742 0.627451
CM8 1EF 43 0 51.792326 0.629806
CM8 1EG 28 0 51.794133 0.632652