all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1EH 16 7 51.786566 0.612273
CM8 1EN 6 0 51.792497 0.627829
CM8 1EP 24 4 51.796089 0.632055
CM8 1ER 12 0 51.798626 0.628403
CM8 1ES 8 0 51.797918 0.627097
CM8 1ET 45 0 51.793582 0.630358
CM8 1EU 45 0 51.792068 0.630501
CM8 1EW 4 2 51.794146 0.631667
CM8 1EX 9 0 51.798116 0.628707
CM8 1EY 18 0 51.799214 0.629046
CM8 1EZ 11 0 51.799802 0.630502
CM8 1FA 28 0 51.795683 0.631727
CM8 1GZ 16 1 51.787852 0.643626
CM8 1HA 14 0 51.799101 0.63007
CM8 1HB 19 0 51.799956 0.631657
CM8 1HD 52 0 51.799097 0.631882
CM8 1HE 13 0 51.801441 0.63682
CM8 1HF 25 3 51.801779 0.635796
CM8 1HG 23 0 51.790631 0.622761
CM8 1HH 41 0 51.79202 0.625017