all postcodes in CM8 / WITHAM

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM8 1HJ 24 0 51.791639 0.625981
CM8 1HL 32 0 51.791423 0.623532
CM8 1HN 18 5 51.797968 0.642507
CM8 1HP 38 7 51.797334 0.643093
CM8 1HQ 3 0 51.790741 0.624681
CM8 1HR 19 0 51.79518 0.644098
CM8 1HS 8 0 51.79287 0.644036
CM8 1HT 15 0 51.789033 0.642303
CM8 1HU 20 0 51.78641 0.642962
CM8 1HW 17 0 51.789086 0.635969
CM8 1HX 13 0 51.787044 0.642361
CM8 1HY 3 1 51.794607 0.645182
CM8 1JA 34 0 51.793074 0.642583
CM8 1JB 35 1 51.793256 0.640099
CM8 1JD 37 0 51.791805 0.640638
CM8 1JE 22 0 51.791763 0.640113
CM8 1JF 21 0 51.793653 0.639615
CM8 1JG 16 0 51.792323 0.640001
CM8 1JH 12 0 51.791408 0.642297
CM8 1JJ 60 0 51.79184 0.638653