all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 8FW 57 0 51.807456 1.134951
CO16 8FX 8 0 51.805464 1.138469
CO16 8HA 27 2 51.800702 1.078123
CO16 8QY 18 0 51.800492 1.079966
CO16 8HB 23 0 51.803611 1.07867
CO16 8HD 3 0 51.804646 1.080454
CO16 8HE 8 3 51.800591 1.098544
CO16 8HF 3 0 51.796635 1.098823
CO16 8HG 3 0 51.804489 1.093499
CO16 8HH 9 1 51.82013 1.097737
CO16 8HJ 2 0 51.824718 1.095279
CO16 8HL 1 0 51.821559 1.076396
CO16 8HN 3 0 51.814458 1.074519
CO16 8HQ 3 0 51.806832 1.090279
CO16 8HR 2 0 51.811902 1.079861
CO16 8HS 5 0 51.806473 1.078255
CO16 8HW 1 0 51.813991 1.075532
CO16 8JA 44 0 51.793234 1.057918
CO16 8JB 33 1 51.79353 1.054152
CO16 8JD 40 0 51.79424 1.050356