all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 8JE 7 0 51.795798 1.057206
CO16 8JG 10 0 51.797563 1.0509
CO16 8JH 3 0 51.795419 1.047971
CO16 8JJ 13 0 51.794629 1.047148
CO16 8JL 42 0 51.794162 1.043664
CO16 8JN 20 0 51.792825 1.041805
CO16 8JP 65 1 51.792378 1.044909
CO16 8JR 25 0 51.791817 1.040084
CO16 8JS 21 0 51.791349 1.039385
CO16 8JT 10 0 51.793441 1.04057
CO16 8JU 39 0 51.793956 1.037792
CO16 8JW 16 0 51.792443 1.037109
CO16 8JY 3 0 51.794055 1.03494
CO16 8JZ 2 0 51.79437 1.033961
CO16 8LA 18 0 51.793216 1.03571
CO16 8LB 8 0 51.794936 1.032838
CO16 8LD 4 1 51.794988 1.031958
CO16 8LE 2 0 51.796078 1.031175
CO16 8LG 32 0 51.796378 1.029658
CO16 8LJ 1 1 51.796214 1.031518