all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 4BS 19 0 52.524197 -1.462781
CV11 4BU 4 4 52.52628 -1.464295
CV11 4BW 1 1 52.524626 -1.464088
CV11 4BX 5 4 52.52544 -1.465125
CV11 4DA 11 9 52.524404 -1.464922
CV11 4DG 1 1 52.524493 -1.464561
CV11 4DL 1 1 52.522164 -1.466358
CV11 4DN 1 1 52.522554 -1.463214
CV11 4DR 1 1 52.522207 -1.463999
CV11 4DS 1 1 52.522453 -1.464733
CV11 4DX 10 4 52.522629 -1.46591
CV11 4DY 1 1 52.523115 -1.46589
CV11 4DZ 5 5 52.522991 -1.466531
CV11 4EA 7 5 52.522698 -1.46736
CV11 4EB 1 1 52.522564 -1.467414
CV11 4ED 1 1 52.52332 -1.465651
CV11 4EE 5 5 52.522541 -1.468211
CV11 4EF 2 2 52.52282 -1.468464
CV11 4EG 9 6 52.522924 -1.467652
CV11 4EH 2 1 52.523106 -1.468107