all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 4EJ 19 6 52.52304 -1.46735
CV11 4EL 8 8 52.523302 -1.467656
CV11 4EN 1 1 52.523293 -1.467568
CV11 4ER 6 5 52.523289 -1.466713
CV11 4EU 9 5 52.523549 -1.46643
CV11 4EZ 1 1 52.52363 -1.4667
CV11 4FJ 10 7 52.512986 -1.454681
CV11 4FL 1 1 52.526947 -1.46658
CV11 4FN 2 2 52.525685 -1.467972
CV11 4FP 21 0 52.519619 -1.458313
CV11 4FR 23 0 52.520557 -1.457078
CV11 4FS 49 0 52.519981 -1.456835
CV11 4FT 22 0 52.519624 -1.459492
CV11 4FX 1 1 52.526064 -1.467977
CV11 4GA 27 0 52.501913 -1.44757
CV11 4GB 25 0 52.501119 -1.448906
CV11 4GD 15 0 52.501817 -1.450017
CV11 4GE 22 0 52.501345 -1.447209
CV11 4GF 77 0 52.502175 -1.445814
CV11 4GG 24 0 52.50246 -1.447298